At 41+6 the public hospital called us, telling us we needed to monitor the baby's heart rate. But I know that in France they induce at 41+6 (by giving oxytocin). I really didn't want that! (induced births are known to be faster but more painful). My midwife had already confirmed I couldn't birth at home, so we got ready and went to the hospital. They gave us a nice room called Jade, with a big bath, big bed and long sheets that hung to the ceiling (they would be my best friend later). We were quite glad because we had seen this room before and it was super comfortable.
Even though I had to definitely forget about my home birth, I was in a good mood!
We crossed our fingers to get Melanie, the midwife we had met before as she was really nice. And our wish came true! Melanie checked our baby's heart, all was good and she gave us the choice: 1) be induced 2) go home and come back tomorrow or 3) try a sweep. We decided to try the last one. Basically it would involve Melanie putting her finger through the cervix and try to unstick the layer above it – it is kind of a natural inducement. For a third of cases it doesn't do anything, another third it can provoke contractions but no real labor, and the last third can provoke the labor.